In troubled times – expanding our coverage

Dear Readers,

There is no doubt that we are living through unprecedented times and unfortunately all the digital tools in the world cannot truly protect us. The hope is that the measures in force will lessen the impact of COVID-19 and that all of you remain healthy and fit.

Best Execution is a meeting place between the buy and sellside and we cover the latest capital markets, market infrastructure, regulation, research and technology across the asset classes — equities, fixed income and FX. The coronavirus is certainly making its presence known and we will be expanding our coverage to looking at the impact on the financial ecosystem, its participants, structures and frameworks.

Unfortunately, many events and conferences have been cancelled but we also hope to provide insights and interviews with leading market figures who were going to debate and discuss the latest trends at these events.

Although the news has been unremittingly depressing and unnerving, I hope we can take some hope by recent developments in China. The government has closed down its last coronavirus hospital because there are not enough new cases to support them and Apple has just reopened its stores across the country. Of critical importance will be the development of an effective vaccine, and the sooner the better. There are reports that scientists in Israel are on the brink of announcing the development of a coronavirus vaccine – we can only hope.

If you have any suggestions for coverage, news tips or just want to share some thoughts please feel free to drop me a line at
Thanks for your time.


©BestExecution 2020


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