Derivatives focus : Corporate profile : RFQ-hub

David Sagnier, RFQ-hub


David Sagnier, CEO, RFQ-hub

RFQ-hub is a bilateral multi-dealer & broker neutral platform – in line with the recent market regulations – that facilitates communication of requests and daily trading on equity and derivatives from Listed & OTC vanilla derivatives to more complex structured products.

With twenty six investment banks, RFQ-hub provides the ability for global institutional asset managers, mutual funds, pension, hedge funds and wealth managers to harness liquidity across the widest spectrum of instruments via requests for quotes, indications of interests and targeted care orders.

Thanks to the very nature of its bilateral model, its global presence and global underlying coverage, it enables participants to overcome the barriers of fragmented markets with the ability to locate the right market-makers while keeping all the advantages of voice trading in terms of non-dissemination of information for large ticket size and access to liquidity.

Rather than using email, chat or the phone to obtain competing quotes for vanilla and structured derivatives, buyside traders can use RFQ-hub standalone or connected to their internal Portfolio and Order Management Systems using FIX to send a quote request to multiple liquidity providers at once. Usually interfaced with the banks’ internal systems, all quotes are received, compared and can be traded on RFQ-hub in a timely manner. Transactions are then sent to the different downstream systems on both sides to enable automatic booking and reporting achieving all the benefits of electronic trading in terms of speed of execution, proof of best execution, operational risk reduction and straight-through processing (STP).

Competing quotes and trades are also captured for audit purposes, compliance and brokers’ reviews providing quantitative and valuable business intelligence on the counterparty trading activity.

Lastly, the platform facilitates compliance with Dodd Frank and the CFTC Business Conducts Standards, MiFID in terms of best execution & transparency and EMIR for its gateways to reporting systems and trade repositories.


RFQ-hub is developed and marketed by Investors Derivatives Solutions (ID’S).

ID’S is a privately owned broker-neutral company with a minority stake held by the Deutsche Börse Group (Eurex).

ID’S has offices in Europe, Asia and the Americas.




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