
Best Execution’s series of exclusive interviews with senior figures from the securities trading arena – buy-side, sell-side, market infrastructures and technology providers.

Tom Stevenson: Cutting through the noise

 BUYSIDE PROFILE: Tom Stevenson, head of equity trading, EMEA at Fidelity International discusses the multi-faceted approach that is needed to trade in today’s unpredictable...

Profile: Frans de Wit, head of trading, PGGM Investment Management

Putting trading at the head of the table. Frans de Wit’s elevated role as head of trading at PGGM Investment Management will help improve execution quality...

Buyside profile: Darren Bustin, Schroders Solutions

Darren Bustin, head of Solution Capabilities at Schroders Solutions discusses his newly created role and how it is steering clients though these volatile markets. Darren Bustin...

Profile: Rick Di Mascio

Rick Di Mascio, founder of Inalytics explains why it is important to take a deep data dive into the investment research process. Going back to...

A natural curiosity

Karim Awenat, Invesco's head of fixed income trading, London discusses the skillsets, culture and technology needed to navigate the bond markets. What are the challenges...

On the DESK: Making traders integral to the investment process

Sonali Pier explains how a trader can stand out, and be given a sense of owning the investment process through leadership. How is trading built...

Eugene Markman: The changing trading paradigm

Eugene Markman, Chief Operations Officer at ION Markets (FX) and Chief Executive Officer at MarketFactory, talks to Lynn Strongin Dodds about turbulence, liquidity and data. What have been...

Buyside profile: The many moving pieces of the trading room

Inés de Trémiolles, Global Head of Trading at BNP Paribas Asset Management, talks to Shanny Basar about automation across asset classes, hybrid working, and...

On The DESK: What it takes to build a multi-asset trading team

From the Q2 issue of The DESK. Since becoming global head of trading at Schroders, Gregg Dalley has helped his teams become a single, multi-asset...

Buyside Profile: Cathy Gibson

Cathy Gibson, global head of trading at Ninety One explains the changing dynamics of a global trading desk. How have current events impacted the market...